<br/><br/>  [103美國直購] 羅技 Logitech Harmony Smart Control with Smartphone App and Simple Remote - Black $5904<br/><br/>

[103美國直購] 羅技 Logitech Harmony Smart Control with Smartphone App and Simple Remote - Black $5904

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141230bj_Logitech Harmony

Use your smartphone (available Harmony Smartphone app) or the included Harmony Remote to control your entertainment devices

Smartphone app includes Swipe and Tap control for one-touch control of your entertainment system, up to 50 favorite channel icons, volume, media playback, and more (Works with iPhone iOS 6.0 or later and Android 4.0 or later)

Included Harmony Hub lets you control devices hidden behind cabinet doors or walls, including game consoles such as PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360

Future-proof control of up to 8 devices: Works with over 270,000 devices including cable TV boxes, Apple TV, Roku, Sonos, Amazon Fire TV, Phillips Hue, Xbox One, PS3, and TV-connected PC or Mac

Product Details

Style Name: New

Product Dimensions: 10 x 5.4 x 3.5 inches ; 1 pounds

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds


Item model number: 915-000194

Batteries 1 Nonstandard Battery batteries required. (included)

Product Description

Style: New

Logitech Harmony Smart Control

Easily control entertainment devices—even ones in closed cabinets

Logitech Harmony Smart Control

TURN YOUR SMARTPHONE OR TABLET INTO A ONE-TOUCH UNIVERSAL REMOTE. Now you can control your entire entertainment system with the smartphone or tablet you already own. The Harmony Hub combined with a powerful app give you personalized control of up to eight devices—even through closed cabinets and walls. Plus, you get a simple Harmony remote for everyone in the house when your smartphone isn’t handy.

Product Features

Harmony App for easy tap-and-swipe entertainment control using your smartphone or tablet* | RF control of devices inside closed cabinets and behind walls | Controls up to 8 devices including cable TV boxes, Apple TV, Roku, Sonos, Amazon Fire TV, Phillips hue, Xbox One, PS3 and TV-connected PC or Mac | Powerful customization, including 50 Favorite channel icons**, creating one-touch activities and re-ordering buttons | Also includes handheld universal remote for the household | Works with over 270,000 devices | Easy online setup ( *Compatible with iOS 6.0 or later and Android 4.0 or later. **Channel availability subject to your local service provider. )


Smart control

Replaces multiple remotes. Controls devices you own today and add tomorrow.

Smart control

Harmony Hub turns RF signals from the remote into IR or Bluetooth commands your devices can understand and can’t see—behind closed cabinet doors or walls. Control up to 8 devices including your PS3, Wii or Xbox One, plus your Internet subscription services, like Netflix or Hulu. Harmony supports 270,000 devices from 6,000+ brands, including devices you own today and add tomorrow. Harmony’s online device library makes it easy to update your smartphone and remote with new devices and commands.

Controls Sonos, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV or Phillips hue

Music, movies and lighting at your fingertips

View larger

Controls Sonos, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV or Phillips hue

Control your Sonos* with Harmony App to play, pause, change volume or launch your Sonos Favorites. Control Philips hue lights** by integrating lighting control into your Harmony activities like Listen to Music, Play a Game or Watch a Movie. Imagine starting a Watch TV activity and your hue lights automatically dim to your favorite accent lighting settings. You can control Amazon Fire TV, too. Just launch the Harmony App, add Fire TV, and create a Watch Fire TV Activity. (*Sonos music player sold separately. **Phillips hue lights sold separately. Online setup required. )


Now you can avoid frustrating on-TV keyboards. Use your smartphone/tablet keyboard or speech recognition capability with the Harmony App to find your content faster on Apple TV, Roku or Amazon FireTV. Also works with Windows PCs and Macs.

Harmony App for smartphone or tablet

Turns your smartphone into a Harmony controller

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Harmony App for smartphone or tablet

Anyone in the house can download the app and turn their smartphone or tablet into a personal universal remote. With one-touch activity control, you just tap “Watch TV” or “Watch a Movie” and Harmony powers on the right devices to the right settings. Simply swipe and tap to change channels, adjust volume, fast-forward and rewind. Plus, you can organize and re-order buttons, activities, and up to 50 Favorite channel icons* the way you like them—right on your smartphone. (** Channel availability subject to your local service provider. )

Easy setup

Easy guided online setup

View larger

Easy guided online setup

Simply download the Harmony App to your computer or your iPhone 4S or later or Android smartphone with Bluetooth Smart Technology. Screen prompts make it easy to set up your app and remote with commands for your devices. Live customer support is ready to help if you need it.

Comes with a handheld remote for the house

Universal remote for times when your smartphone isn’t handy

View larger

Comes with a handheld remote for the house

This simple all-button Harmony universal remote gives everyone at home easy control of your entertainment system when your smartphone or tablet isn’t handy. It also works with Harmony Hub f




彰化銀行於今( 16 )日召開股東常會辦理第 25 屆董事選舉,出席率高達 95.75 % 。改選結果, 9 席董事(包含 3 席獨立董事)中,財政部及行政院國家發展基金管理會計獲得 3 席董事,財政部推薦之獨立董事當選 2 席,財政部表示,相關的董事都具備專業知識及經驗,有望繼續優化彰銀的營運績效,也感謝各股東支持,保住了全民資產。

財政部次長蘇建榮指出,彰銀 2016 年稅前盈餘達 140.83 億元,較台新金時代 2014 年增加 17.43 億元,成長 14.12% 。台新金經營期間最高獲利僅百億元左右,但公股領導下,彰銀獲利續創自 2007 年以來新高,這次獲股民支持後,未來也會持續努力。他日前也表示,過去台新金曾 4 次欲強行合併彰銀,在 2006 至 2008 年間發動 3 次合併計畫、 2013 年又再次片面對外宣稱已完成合併,因此這次彰銀股東們在董事會改選上守住全民資產,是極為重要的,「彰銀並不是財政部的,而是包含納稅人稅金在內的公股銀行,因此財政部必須、也必定會持續守護全民權益。」

回顧彰銀案,台新金在 2005 年以每股 26.12 元,總金額 365 億餘元,標得彰銀 22.5% 股權,並取得過半董事席次及經營權,不過, 2014 年底彰銀董事改選,以財政部為首的泛公股取得過半席次董事,讓台新金失去對彰銀的經營權。台新金不滿結果,2014 年 12 月 9 日提出司法訴訟,台北地院 2016 年 4 月 27 日判決確認,財政部與台新金間存有契約關係,財政部不得妨礙台新金代表人當選彰銀過半董事席次,其他請求則未獲准,台新金於 2016 年 5 月 19 日聲明上訴。

高等法院二審判決結果 5 月 17 日出爐,確認財政部對彰銀持股未出售前,且台新金仍為彰銀最大股東者,應支持台新金指派的代表人當選彰銀全體董事席次過半的普通董事席次。不過,財政部痛批,在司法程序中,不僅判決的論證與事實相悖,而且只引用單一證人、前行政院副院長吳榮義證詞,卻不採納中央銀行總裁彭淮南、前國庫署長劉燈城的重大關係人意見,欠缺公平,因此於今( 2017 )年 6 月 12 日再上訴至最高法院,目前尚未開庭。

另外,合庫金控也在今日辦理董事會改選,共 15 席董事(包含 3 席獨立董事)中,財政部獲得 8 席董事,且財政部推薦的 3 名獨立董事全部獲選,財政部也表示相當感激合庫金控眾多股東支持,使公股獲得有利席次,會持續督導公股代表董事與民股所指派董事合作,為合庫金控謀求最大利益。


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